Monday, May 11, 2009

What is Chromatherapy?

Chromatherapy, or Color Therapy is "the science of healing with color."

The therapist may use shower's (such as the ones shown) gemstones, candles, lamps, crystal wands, glass prisoms, colored fabrics, color bath treatments, colored eye lenses and even lasers.

The therapist will apply the light and color visually, or verbally, to balance the energy that's lacking physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental health.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Blue promotes peace, and makes you feel more calm. If we put all fighting enemies in a big blue room with blue water, blue lights, blue crystals and blue lasers the soldiers may not want to fight anymore.


If you and your significant other are having a fight going into an all green room would help you feel more loving.


Maybe this time you're at a comedy show and the comedian just isn't funny. If there were yellow lights, yellow tables, chairs and walls it may be possible that the jokes seem to be funnier.


If you're feeling like nothing good will ever happen, maybe the therapist will have you go swimming in a bright orange lit swimming pool. After swimming around in the orange water for a while you'll feel happier, cheerful and more hopeful!


Say one day you're feeling lazy, a therapist might put you in a bathtub full of red water and red lights. After you take that nice red bath you'll feel super energized! You might even feel so energized you'll take a jog!